Donkey Kong...Help!
In Nintendo's attempt to break out into the American video game market a classic was born. You play as a little plumber named Mario that has to climb up a building to reach the damsel in distress. The villain Donkey Kong is constantly trying to stop you in your quest to save her. He throws barrels at you and some of them catch on fire and move towards you. I like the fact that there is constant music playing during the game. It holds my attention longer than the previous games I have played.
This game started the story telling process of most games today. Although it is very repetitive in the fact that the levels are all similar in look and idea, it does give a better story than all the games up to this point. It inspired the movie Wreck-It-Ralph, along with coutless other games. Almost all Nintendo games have been influenced by Donkey Kong in some form or another, for example, Mario, Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, ect.